I’ve been hearing a lot of people say they expect more from the #breonnataylor verdict. Why?

Have you been listening to Black Women at all? We have told you time and times again. While we protect everyone, no one is willing to stand for us. 

"The most disrespected person in America is the black woman.

The most unprotected person in America is the black woman.

The most neglected person in America is the black woman." - Malcom X

A week ago, Breonna Taylor’s family was awarded $12 million dollars in a City of Louisville settlement after filing a wrongful death lawsuit. The family received the money, but that money didn’t come from the government or the police department that caused her death. That money came from tax payers Those same tax payers that have been marching in the street since her murder. . 

This is the highest “payout” for a Black Woman murdered by the police. 

Black women already knew what time Louisville was on when they paid the family. We knew she wouldn’t get justice in the judicial system.

This past Wednesday, in LA, I came across numerous reporters asking me and other Black Women, 

“How do you feel? Would you like to say something for the camera? Would you like to make a statement?”

No. Why should I and any other black woman tell you how I feel, what should be done next or what I’m thinking. You do not listen. You never have.

At this point, it’s a ”game.” It’s all in the name of profit and inclusion. We tell you how we feel, you bottle it up and sell it for clicks, T-shirt’s, magazine covers, etc. Isn’t that what everyone did to #breonnataylor ? 

Even within the Black community I have to take a pause. This week’s “donkey of the day” with @cthagod reminded me of that. “As a black man I feel...” 

Do not get me wrong. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but this moment isn’t about you. This isn’t about Black men. This isn’t about anyone else’s feelings of inequality or marginalization. It’s about Black Women. 

I need the people marching for 24 hrs in LA to understand that. I need the white people spray painting “BLM” or “ASCA” to understand that. I need the people screaming on social media to understand that. I need politicians to understand that. You need to understand that. 

A 26 year old Black Woman was murdered and the judicial system charged 1 officer for shooting a wall. Not taking her life. 

She was minding her business and the America didn’t care enough to protect her. 

As I look at fellow black women’s faces, I see that thought in each of their eyes. 

She was sleeping. She was at home. She did nothing out of the ordinary. She should have been safe, but even that wasn’t enough for America to believe her; to protect her. 


Conversations with Black Women: What are you hoping for?


#JackieLaceyMustGo | August 2020